Our Story

Making Things that Matter

I enjoy making things. After a successful career in engineering, it was time for something different. No more corporate world with its endless meetings, dreadful monotony and cubicle lifestyle. Exploring the candle-making hobby gave an opportunity to still make things but also to be creative and with it, a chance to contribute to the world in some meaningful way. Candles probably won't change the world, but they can bring a little bit of happiness to people at home with their families, with friends, or just sitting at home alone relaxing or meditating, while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea.

Getting Started

Early memories of my Mom often burning candles at home and making candles a few times save stuck with me through the years. I never thought I'd also find it interesting — as a technically-minded engineering type, nothing seemed less relevant — but apparently I did find it interesting. After making a few candles on a whim, I realized I enjoyed it (must be why the memory stuck around!) and I was hooked.

Taking Me Back

When making candles, I'll often feel transported back to being that little boy hanging around while Mom made candles. Candles remind me of simpler times…A less complicated time before smart phones, social media, and video games. A time when families did things together at home and found enjoyment together.

Candles are a Window to Another Place

Candles remind me of a time when home was home, and home involved a deep sense of place. I make candles now that take people somewhere they want to be. That may be somewhere nostalgic, a favorite vacation, it maybe a spa if they need to unwind or a "man cave", Grandma's kitchen, a garden, a porch overlooking the ocean sipping a drink or just the back yard of their first home.

Why "Fox Valley"?

Fox Valley (Illinois)
The Fox River we're named for stretches from southern Wisconsin until it joins the Illinois river, well southwest of the Chicago metro area. The valley includes some wonderful scenic areas and picturesque cities and towns, such as St. Charles and Geneva. Naperville, where we started, is just a short hop away. For us, no matter where we end up, our brand will remind us of where we started. And reminding us of other times and places is exactly what we want for this brand!